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Facilitates collaboration between healthcare and parents

HOPE ParentROP is intended to facilitate collaboration between the parents and healthcare when planning and implementing the scheduled activity plan.

Parents were previously allowed to visit for a few scheduled hours a day. The current goal at the majority of neonatal departments in Sweden for parents to be involved in  nursing care so that they can take primary nursing responsibility for their child, as well as being able to live on the ward during the hospital stay. Despite this positive development there is still room for a number of improvements. One area is communication between parents and healthcare staff.

Detailed activity plan

With the support of HOPE App, parents are given a detailed plan that clearly indicates the nursing and care activities they can expect to carry out themselves, at what time and how they are to be carried out.

This is why HOPE App contains many different activities that cover everything from enquiries about the development of the child’s vision and fixation to information about different models for family-centred care, breastfeeding support, information about scheduled screening examinations and results, as well as information about how to interpret the results.

“We see that HOPE Platform can contribute to closer and improved communication between healthcare and parents, as well as creating opportunities for saving time and quality assured documentation.”

What is ROP?

All infants born very prematurely have regular examinations by an ophthalmologist in order to detect those who need treatment for the ROP (retinopathy of prematurity) illness, which can affect the eye after a premature birth.

If a baby is born prematurely, growth of the retinal blood vessels can be impaired and the earlier the baby is born, the greater the risk of abnormal vascular growth. Less than 5 per cent of all infants examined may experience serious changes that require laser treatment to prevent retinal detachment and loss of vision. In the majority of cases, treatment is highly effective and in Sweden today it is very unusual for a child to become blind due to ROP.

Read article from the Swedish medical journal, Läkartidningen >>

En digital länk mellan vården och föräldern

I byggklossen Kunskapsbank inom HOPE Platform erbjuds ett flertal kvalitetsgranskade källor med information från vården att ta del av, exempelvis om olika beskrivningar för att stödja anknytningsmöjligheter mellan barnet och föräldern. I kunskapsbanken finns även information om flertal patientföreningar med insatser för att stötta det för tidigt födda barnet och därigenom minska förälderns trauma och påfrestningar.

Vården har till uppgift att erbjuda en familjecentrerad utvecklingsstödjande neonatalvård, inbegripet att förmedla den sammanhängande vårdkedjan vid neonatalvård till uppföljning och barnhälsovård när familjen har flyttat hem.

HOPE App utgör här en digital länk mellan vården och föräldern i samband med planeringen av barnets framtida vårdbehov och uppföljning.

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